It's still under construction :D)Ĭheck out TurboHM profile: I hope you'll enjoy it :) Next goal: The Old Mine (Well, I don't have enough patience to build in darkness, so. Trees used on this plot are from Lenterbriesje's trees pack. Every single mistake made in planning phase is my mistake, so if you have to hate someone, hate me :) My job is to build locations like Old Camp or Bandit's Camp, TurboHM is doing glorious job with his mountains and terraforming stuff. Damn, it's big :) There are only two of us, so it's take a lot of time to build something good. hmm handmade? We are not using Voxel or something, only World Edit for some annoying things like filling mountains. But we hope that's not a problem for you guys :) We decided to add some locations and change some basic stuff (like mountains in whole Colony for example). Well, like I said this is our interpretation – many things are (and will be) different compare to the original. If you want to ensure this does not happen, you will need to set skyEffects=0 in your Gothic\System\Gothic.ini file - however this will mean you have no rain or other sky effects.This is our first big project, and we are happy to show you guys our interpretation of The Penal Colony of Khorinis from Gothic I (with Expanded Edition mod). Some players have reported that when it is raining in game, save files can get corrupted.In underground levels such as mines and temples you may get a really annoying bug where you're able to see through walls at a certain distance, but not when you get closer.Some of the trees have incorrect collisions and you may walk in to invisible walls when walking near certain trees, but I didn't find this to be too gamebreaking or annoying, just something to be aware of.Don't worry if you were saving your game when this happened, this is not a crash so your save data will be fine, but the game will need to be forcefully closed and restarted. You may occasionally get a black screen after playing for a little while, sometimes while saving your game.

These are some of the graphical issues you may encounter while using the DX11 mod: