This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Starbound. This item is incompatible with Starbound. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support. Any idea what i'm doing wrong? Per page: 15 30 Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Soo, i've been considering playing this again. CF has mentioned that optimization stuff is happening in the nightly branch. But yea, they are working on performance. I find this odd since my specs are obscene for a game as graphically simple as starbound. Outpost lags for me, as does the surface of some planets, not always an issue but definitely noticeable framerate drop. Dungeons just lag so much for me, my game freezes and I can't play anymore.Īny tips on that? And by the way, there is that one level with undergound challanges where lots of flamethrowers are produced, thats the part where my game always just freezes. Last edited by Cake for Mumm-Ra 13 Feb, pm. Last edited by Cake for Mumm-Ra 18 Feb pm. Originally posted by Punished "Refundee" Snake. As of April I'm unsubbing from this post and no longer updating the OP. This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important. Hope they resolve this as it should be working on a fully released game.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

I bought this for the co op mainly so a bit disappointed especially considering it is a 2D game. Hopefully they are on this as I'm assuming a lot of people would want to play co-op directly through steam. Having huge lag upwards of 3 seconds playing with friends in another country via steam. Well, it's seems i'm not the only one experiencing this, i hope they can fix it soon. Haven't tested with anyone else besides those two yet, though. Another friend who lives close to me are able to play with me with no lag. I'm also experiencing this, but only with a certain friend who lives in another state. Does anyone is suffering because massive lags via Steam Connection? Sorry my bad english in advance. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.